Banquet dishes full of pole-and-line fishing Naruto sea breams

Banquet dishes full of pole-and-line fishing Naruto sea breams
■Spring, autumn limitation (period 3~5 month, 9~11 month)
Skill "Naruto sea bream pole-and-line fishing" of the fisherman succeeded from ... Edo era ...
Traditional and ultimate pole-and-line fishing to begin in the history when a fisherman devised "tegusu" of the fishing line in Naruto early in the Edo era. It is said to the stress that it is delicious as "marbled fat content" is abundant without lack of oxygen by catching one pole-and-line fishing, and closing it quickly.
●Number of people/15 people ...
Sea bream bone liquor to finish in local brew "Naruto sea breams"
◇Hors d'oeuvres
Height of seven kinds of Naruto seasonal Aya
With tuna Karasumi
Prawn firing marbled beef
Leave the nest; salt of Naruto
*In the case of hope, I make a funamori and provide it
◇Hot pot
Naruto sea bream Japanese-style stew cooked at the table
Naruto sea bream Naruto seaweed velvet shank mushroom Chinese cabbage mizuna greens tofu
◇Ceramic ware
Sue seasoning and broiling fowl on a board of the Awa cow thigh
Onion pumpkin blue Japanese style source
◇Steamed cake
Smooth chawanmushi of the Naruto sea bream which I finished with Naruto seaweed bean jam
◇Deep-fried food
Foot red prawns color deep-fried Naruto bowl of shaved ice with boiled adzuki beans lotus root leaves the nest; the sky stock
◇Vinegared food
The Naruto sea bream-bashing which leaves the nest, and eats with ponzu vinegar
Naruto sea bream onion slice
Green shiso leek grated radish with carrot
Naruto sea bream sushi three kinds vinegar sweetened with mirin and sugar ginger
Naruto sea bream playing handball sushi
Close Naruto sea bream kombu; oshi-zushi
Naruto sea bream malignant smallpox nigiri-zushi
Seafood soup seasoned with salt of Naruto seaweed and the Naruto sea bream
Three kinds of seasonal fruit
*Dishes content may be changed by a season, the stocking situation.