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Hotel summary

The hotel name
The location
16-45, Oge, Narutochotosadomariura, Naruto-shi, Tokushima
The number of the guest rooms
208 (167 Western-style rooms, Japanese-style room 41)
Seating capacity
770 people
・Check-in procedure 12:00 -/room admission 16:00 ... (as for the room admission of 2024.9/1 ... 15:00)
・Check-out - 11:00
Credit card
Diners, JCB, Saison, UC, VISA, Master Card, AMEX, OMC, life, AEON, pocket, TS3, NICOS, Rakuten, ginren, VISA touch
Electronic money
I do not run WAON/nanaco/Rakuten Edy/iD/QUICPay/Kitaca/Suica/PASMO/TOICA/manaca (manaka)/ICOCA/SUGOCA/nimoca/already
QR cord financial statements
Rakuten Pay/au PAY/PayPay/d payment/LINE Pay/Mel pay/WeChat Pay/AliPay/Yucho pay
Parking lot
200 (free)
Barrier-free correspondence
akuseshibururumu (one), wheelchair rental
Restaurant facilities
Four season, Aya, sea breeze, Naruto, terasukafeoge
Banquet room facilities
The sea sky, blue Rose, sea route, evening calm, royal suite
Wedding facilities
Cent ceraFick church
Malin facilities
Beach, outdoor pool, fishing pond
Facilities in the hall
Hot spring, market place, original shop

■It is entirely non-smoking, and thank you for your understanding beforehand. 

Aoaonarutorizoto (Tokushima, Naruto-shi)
Ten minutes, Setonaikai National Park is inner by car from Awajishima. The morning sun rising to the sea and the oceanfront hotel which overlooks a moon road from a guest room and the natural hot spring.

15 types of guest rooms selectable with the Western-style room which can overlook the sea from a bed, the style of the trip including the Awa indigo plant room by the artisan to Tokushima.
24 rooms sensing a new guest room, folkcraft ART of Tokushima bodily in the middle of March, 2024 are born.

Please thoroughly enjoy the Awayama seafood including the Naruto sea bream at the individual restaurants such as absorption in regional cuisine buffet Awa and char-grilling, Japanese banquet dishes, French banquet dishes.
The local programs such as the fishing pond of Naruto Channel cruising and the Naruto sea bream, an autumn country bumpkin, seaweed fishing of the early spring, painting of the Otani firing, the indigo dyeing experience are popularity. You can see Awa Folk Dance every night in a hall, too.

I hold sea bathing and the Malin activity in outdoor pool and an adjacent beach in a season in the summer.

In the outskirts, the visiting 88 Shikoku pilgrimage first bill place "sacred mountain temple" others tourist attraction is abundant "Uzunomichi" and "Otsuka Museum of Art", too.

※The Naruto north IC left turn that there is more the free shuttle bus for/high speed Naruto bus stop ten minutes in than Tokushima Awa dance airport for/JR Naruto Station 15 minutes for 30 minutes (it requires reservation) is immediate. There is JR express bus direct to a hotel from Kansai

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