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The sea spreading out spreads forever when I open stained glass. The direction that is good in "the everlasting future of two people" to begin in from now on!
Wedding Event

[fair of the flower popularity that is a graduate] Seaside chapel experience-based fair

Stained glass is a shining seaside stand-alone chapel and I hold a wedding ceremony and enter it and experience it! What will you be pleased with what kind of person you want to invite when you walk while imagining the day of the wedding if you do it? nado is sure what it becomes easy to image! A fair beginner is welcome, too!
[three part system: 10:00-12:30/13:00-15:30/16:00-19:00]
A personal staff conference! Let's talk about what we do not understand with anything!    

Venue coordinates
I observe the venue to the desired number of people.
Visit to resort hotel tour
I observe the facilities in the hall only in the resort hotel.
Seaside chapel experience (belonging to an entrance experience)
I will experience an entrance scene in conjunction with a visit to seaside chapel!
■A net reservation: Until three days ago  ■A TEL reservation: Until the day before
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