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Refer to a concierge in an anniversary

・The inquiry with the email form may take time for an answer. In the case of dispatch, please refer over a telephone. 
TEL 088-687-2580 (10:00-18:00)
※If sound guidance begins to be called off; 2 → I push 2 

・Please refer for the customer who has already had making a reservation after filling out "a subscriber name" "use day". 
・Today, the tomorrow's change is over the telephone, please. 
・Even if an order is completed by the situation such as the stocking, products may be changed. 

■About cancellation
※I would like the edging by one month.
※I would like the cake by one week in a flower and an anniversary.
※I would like champagne up to three days before.

■Please input a phone number (home or cell-phone) to get of the contact into a phone number column by all means.
■Please check reception setting (junk email setting) to be able to receive a reply email.
■Sorry for your inconvenience, but please contact me from this again by any chance when there is not a reply.
■You read "a privacy policy" on an inquiry, and please fill it out after an agreement.

Anniversary inquiry

Refer to a concierge in an anniversary
The name ※required
Example) Taro Yamada
Furigana ※required
Example) Yamada Taro
E-mail address ※required

※I reinput it for confirmation ※Half size British number
Phone number to get of the contact such as cell-phones ※required
The use purpose ※required
The use day ※required
/ /   
Number of people
The name
Please check where decided the use planned item.
The item which is recommended in all anniversaries
[for a limited time] It is recommended in Mother's Day
It is recommended to longevity celebration
It is recommended on a wedding anniversary
It is recommended on a birthday
Ceremony to celebrate a baby's first eating tableware set
Consultation contents
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